A community of Anglicans practicing faith, acceptance, forgiveness, service, sacrifice, and love for all of God’s Creation (which includes you!). Be supported by our congregation in whatever relationship you have (or want to have) with Jesus Christ, and find connection, music, beauty, and inspiration along the way.
A Message From Father Tim
Since my appointment in October (2022), I have come to appreciate the strong community of faith that calls this parish home.
The congregation has done exceptionally well in dealing with the challenges of the three-year COVID pandemic and an increasingly secular culture.
They continue to look forward to sharing the Good News of the Gospel and working to give assistance to those in need.
Because I am still learning names, I will offer special thanks to all those who continue week by week to enable our ministry. I include the wardens, the readers, the altar guild, the faithful preparation and serving of treats at the coffee hour, property and financial management, and of course our treasured choir and music program.
As I have said in my sermons, we find ourselves, along with the wider church, looking for ways to move away from several years stuck in “survival mode.”
If we focus on responding to the needs of the community, I believe that Saint Paul’s can experience a new period of growth both in numbers and in impact.
I will end by saying that I am committed to visiting folks in their homes as a way to get to know them and listen to their needs. As I understand my role, it is to be a servant to the servants of Christ.
It is a privilege to be part of the Saint Paul’s family and I look forward to another year with you.
Father Tim +